Option 1: Updating Existing Program Learning Outcomes

Use this option if you:

  • Want to use your current program learning outcomes
  • Are prioritizing efficiency right now

Note: If you are using these materials to support curriculum development or review, please let us know at curriculum@uwo.ca so our team can continue to track our impact.

Steps to updating existing program learning outcomes online

Option 1 flow

1. Find Program Learning Outcomes

Find program learning outcomes for each module under review from a previous IQAP review or more recent curriculum development activities. 

2. Edit Program Learning Outcomes

Appoint a small curriculum committee to edit the program learning outcomes.

Referring to our "Questions for Reviewing Program Learning Outcomes", review and edit each outcome as needed. Guidelines for writing outcomes, example outcomes, lists of action verbs, and the guiding questions are available in the "Quick Guide to Writing Program Learning Outcomes".

3. Align Program Learning Outcomes with Western Degree Outcomes (Undergraduate Programs Only)

Program learning outcomes from all modules need to be aligned with Western Degree Outcomes. Watch our brief tutorial on how to align program learning outcomes with Western Degree Outcomes. Ensure that each Western Degree Outcome is covered by at least one outcome in of your department's modules.

Video: Aligning Program Learning Outcomes to Western Degree Outcomes [7 minutes]

4. Seek Feedback on Program Learning Outcomes

Send the updated program learning outcomes to faculty and staff with a deadline for providing feedback. Provide the Guiding Questions for Reviewing Program Learning Outcomes within your email. Consider assigning particularly module outcomes to different faculty members, while inviting feedback on all outcomes if they wish.

5. Consolidate and Incorporate Edits.

Alone or with your curriculum committee, incorporate edits received by the deadline into the program learning outcomes.



If you would like to discuss this topic further, please contact a member of the CTL curriculum team.